could that happen in the largest populated state
in the united states
this last week as we go to a restaurant to eat
you have to ask for water if you want it
you have to ask for water if you want it
you have to ask for water if you want it
you might or might not get it
now in san francisco i dont know how they process
their water or where they get it
but its the best tasting water next to our
country n rainwater
its just they dont want to give it to you
i thought
i wonder how much that really saves
why dont they just say
if you wont flush your toilet once a day
we will give you a small glass of water
that not flushing would save a lot more water
i think
a couple there we visited with
lives in a nice area of california
lets say oprah area
they are doing water conservation
like we do on a regular basis here at the country n
dont flush every time
limit shower time
put a bucket in the shower to catch water
then use it in the landscape
put rain barrels under your gutters
using that water to water the landscape
all guests are explained these rules when they visit
now my she and i wont have any problems with
this rule
we already do so and have done so far years
we know that felling of running out of water
we got real close a few years
when the drought here was bad
ok so i accidentally left on a valve and
drained two 3000 gallon tanks of its precious water
i thought thats what its like when people just
waste water
we got down to only 50 gallons of water at 1 point
what happens to that big state of california if its
residents reach that point
what a disaster and panic there will be
what a major national disaster that would be
we would be short of food everywhere
so i watched with interest as governor brown
stood on that rocky soil that should be covered with
several feet of packed snow to provide water this
year for all those cities
there was no snow
bodes not well for california
strict drought rules are being enforced
hopefully they will restrict the sucking of water from
those deep reservoirs that can never be replenished
it took millions of years to get there
im sorry but its bad when the ground just sinks down
everywhere as the water gets sucked out of there
i think about all this as i wait for my waitress
to not bring my water
heck ill just order a lemonade instead
the organicgreen doctor
Teaching a lesson
my wife she