welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

country n news-flowers and such

this weekend my wife she and i attended the
funky chicken tour in austin
it all started at the sunshine community gardens
it was cold at the early morning start
but it warmed as the day went on
there werent many gardeners out to talk to
but i did walk around and look at most of the
garden plots
always always i pick up ideas for my garden

then off to some of the tour locations

this was the cutest most unique coop of the day

one thing i noticed at all these sights
all are gardeners
most collect rainwater
all seem to be organic
most have compost
all like to talk about their chickens
just ask my wife she and i about ours
oh ok people say after 15 minutes of a simple answer

our first harvest of strawberries are just now starting up
this year i thought i was buying 5 transplants of
but instead i bought 40 plants since each container
held 8 plants
i planted them all

now these things are so delicious and juicy
sink strawberries if you will
these things dont have poisons on them
strawberries are one of the most contaminated foods
we buy along with apples and tomatoes
unless you buy organically

this year i am getting lots of leaves to use in our
compost pile in the chicken run
here one of our new brown chickens is eyeing our
leaves that i am unloading
this load is a total of 80 bags from one location
one happy chicken she is

this is some bluebonnets with some albino ones
at least they arent the maroon aggie ones that
was created
somehow changing bluebonnet colors
just aint right
we have waves of bluebonnets on our property
get out to see them in central texas
they are peaking now

this is a yellow jasmine i am growing
to cover my rainwater tanks
the bees are absolutely covering these blooms up
my new hive will be just a few feet away
when it arrives later this month
lucky short trip for my bees

i have let my cilantro and broccoli and kale
go to seed so they will bloom
for the bees and butterflies and hummingbirds

this is a prairie verbena
the colors are actually much brighter
we have hundreds of these on our property

this is a crossvine that is growing on our back fence
we have 5 planted along the fence
it eventually will be completely covered

we are actively eating sweet peas carrots swiss chard
lettuce spinach kale strawberries fresh onions cilantro
from our garden

soon our onions and garlic will be harvested next month
our tomatoes and peppers are growing good
a good tomato crop is predicted

bon appetite

the organicgreen doctor

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