some think that was the sound that was made
before the patriots colts game
last weekend
i say
who cares
so what
when i was growing up we always had a basketball
goal outside
we a lot of times would leave the basketball where it
was when we finished playing
out in the weather
we always seemed to have an old basketball that had
a slow leak
so the air would gradually leak out
never all of it
just enough to make it sit flat on one side
on the ground
so it looked like a brown half moon
during the cold rainy weather
now we usually couldnt find that little needle
that you inserted in the ball to blow it up
maybe if we lived in new england we could have
borrowed a patriots needle
theirs it seems works well
what we did
was take it inside of the house
place in front of our big butane gas heater
warm it up for awhile
kapop it would go eventually
returning back to its full moon shape
hint nfl
heat applied to a cold gas makes it expand
out to the basketball court
well it was a worn out spot in the yard
the ball would bounce around maybe
slightly overfilled
like it was suppose to
so that was what i was thinking when i heard
about the patriots footballs loosing air
we noticed that happening every winter
when i was growing up
didnt need no reporter or scientist to explain
how that happened to our basketball
now in my opinion
who cares
it didnt alter the game
the patriots just beat the heck out of the colts
out manned the colts were
not out psied
they could have just called me and i would have
told them this story
just play the game please
the organicgreen doctor
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