thats what i tell people when they ask how much ram i have
i just say
i just push this button
well what about your cpus
i just push this button
i do use a cpa for my taxes
well what about your motherboard
i just push this button
i do have a cutting board i use when cooking
well what about your graphics
i just push this button
i cant draw very well and i have terrible handwriting
my wife she says i have dysgraphism
is that the same thing
well what about your hard drive
i just push this button
it did take a lot of drive and ambition to get through med school
while married with kids and being totally broke
well what about your optical drive
i just push this button
i do have poor vision and am legally blind without glasses
well what about your networking
i just push this button
i do a lot of networking with this blog
using twitter facebook tumbleupon pinterest
giving alzheimers talks being on several walk to end alzheimers committees
having a walk to end alzheimers team in three walks to end alzheimers
being on a statewide health department alzheimers committee
being part of a large alzheimers research study
is that what you are talking about
well what about your usb
i just push this button
my wife she and i did go to school at ucr
then there ssd
no i never had one of those but i was never tested except
when i was in my research study they did do a hiv test
and a syphilis test and a hepatitis b c and a test
so no i just know to push that button on the top left side of
my laptop
the computer comes on
i log on
away i go
each morning i get emails from the computer goddess kim komando
her website is
i figure that her job is to keep up with whats going on
i follow her recommendations usually
i realized long time ago i didnt need to know what all those things were
i just push this button
you can go to this link
to read her entry today on what those 8 misunderstood computer terms
i just push this button
the organicgreen doctor
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