i have a dell inspiron laptop computer that
i brought a few years ago
it still works well
ive decided ill use it until it just doesnt work anymore
i thought that day had arrived recently when i was typing this
all great men have a great women
it came out
al eat gr avemeh twrome atwne
what the heck is going on
so i did a computer search with google
with dell
no i didnt call dell as last time i did i didnt know what the hell
the guy said
i just know a box came to the house a few days later with
instructions to send it in to their repair place
i did and they fixed it
the search had a lot of instructions
like download this fix and download that fix
none of that stuff worked
it suggested that i turned down the sensitivity of my touch pad
which i did
that helped only slightly
sure slowed me down
that writing i did just kept jumping all over the place
finally i found a real good solution to the problem
a modern computer nerd said
get a dish towel and cover the lower half of the computer
with it
well what do you know
that worked
later i found a mouse pad that was about the right size
laid it over the bottom half and it also worked well
looked better also
now you know if youve read this blog that i like duct tape
and duct tape uses
i even have a book of duct tape stories

people always send me duct tape pictures
here is a gift someone gave me
i think they enjoyed this one way too much
since i am such a donald duck fan
poor donald duck duck taped down like that
its just not right
although i will admit i wished i could have duct taped someone
down like that in the past
then theres my infamous duct tape chair
when people come over they say
oh so thats your duct tape chair
its still there
i use it everyday
it will outlast me i think
unless my wife she decides to put it out in the barn
so the other day i was sitting on the couch where i sit
every morning with my cups of coffee looking out over
the back pasture toward the river
looking at the sunrise
to write and type my blog
i looked over at the coffee table and saw this
black roll of duct tape sitting there
i thought
i wonder yes i wonder if that would work on my computer
i tore strips off the roll
laid two layers across the bottom half of the computer
guess what
you betcha
that duct tape worked
no more jumping around those letters as i typed them
i must say i sure am happy
since im such a duct tape connoisseur
this jumping letter things was getting really frust
oops i need to add another strip over there on the side
the organicgreen duct tape doctor
If you can stand it, use a "traditional" USB mouse and just turn off that touchpad. Looks like an inspiron n5030.
ReplyDeleteI always feel a little guilty when I use duct tape.... like I'm skipping a step or something.
that was one of the suggestions when i did my search. however i dont really have room to do the mouse thing where i sit to write. also i like the idea of adding another duct tape use to my repertoire. togd