im a list maker
i didnt just start since i had to retire
since i was diagnosed with the mild cognitive impairment
better known as mci
im a list maker from way back
just ask my wife my kids and my nurses
im sure they hated those lists
so far im not too bad about forgetting things
but ive noticed im more likely to miss things in the last
3 years than in years past
i think part of the problem besides the mci is i
get busy doing something and get distracted and
just forget to do it
ok sometimes i do it on purpose
because i dont want to do it
sometimes its a project that if i do it
it seems like when thats done i wont have as much to do
like finishing painting the trim on our doors
have the paint even primed it already
awhile ago
its just one of those things i cant seem to do
it just doesnt make the daily list sometimes
theres the put off list
get tax stuff together for the tax guy
move the furniture for my wife she
dig up those prickly cactus
clean out our totally trashed and junked barn storage area
etc etc etc
also ive gotten a lot busier since i retired
so i dont have as much free time as i did
when i first retired
im not regretting that as i feel like im doing good
doing habitat houses running meals on wheels and
promoting alzheimers awareness by talking about
alzheimers all the time giving talks on it and serving
on the walk to end alzheimers committees and
a state wide alzheimers committee
so my list is made every day
today eg
go to house one at habitat
plant 7 shrubs
finish rock ground cover around the mailbox
finish edging the new beds with rock obtained from
a local church and from another work site
fix gutter
edge the sidewalks and curbs
pick up my large logs from the tree we cut down to use
at my house for edging around my new anthill garden
where ill plant my tomatoes
go to house 2 to finish the rock corner where the water
drains off the property to slow down the runoff
plant the pride of barbados shrub in the bed in the back
go to house 3 to water the large transplanted crepe myrtle from
water brought in with my portable rainwater tank
since theres no water connection yet
pick up rocks for house 1
go home after lunch
help prepare supper
go to bed
ah the joys of retirement
so thats how i do my list each day
my wife she sent me this list of 35 things to do in austin texas
before you die
ive done nine of them
one that i havent done i want to is the broken spoke
the dance hall place that many of the old country western guys
and gals have played at
especially willie
its now got sandwiched between apartment buildings
an austin landmark for sure
another is ive never swam in barton springs but ive been there
guess that counts right
one my wife she has done that i dont ever plan on doing
is waiting in line for franklins bbq
she had a grand time waiting in line with all those folks
from everywhere for 3 hours
i agree the bbq was worth it though
the good thing is that i knew what all 35 of them were
so yes im a list person
always have been
always will be
of course as time goes on those lists become more important
dont they
the orrganicgreen doctor
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