many of you saw the news on tv and the internet
last night about the new alzheimers blood test
ive gotten several emails facebook messages and personal
questions about this
the researchers have found 10 lipids that are in the blood
that if you test positive for them you may now have a test with 90%
accuracy that you can tell you that you will get alzheimers disease
lipids that we know about and many of us get tested for annually
are in the lipid profile for cholesterol
looking for our ldl bad cholesterol good hdl cholesterol and triglyceride levels
the ten lipids in this alzheimers test are not those same lipids
the lipids alzheimers test may be available as soon as two years in
doctors offices
so you as a middle age person will be able to go in to your
doctor and get a blood test that says you may get alzheimers
with 90% accuracy
eg if you go to a doctor for a sorethroat and they swab your throat or
stick that stick up your nose that hurts so dam much
testing for strep throat and the flu
those tests are 90% accurate
every year when i make my trip to the alzheimers research center
at ut southwestern in dallas
i have a series of tests done
i am in three different studies
one the adni study i have neuropsych tests mri scans amyloid pet scans
and spinal tap analysis done
another study that i cant remember the official name of it
involves a large quantity of blood to be drawn
my wife she cant watch it being done
this is the trip where she got real woozy when we were talking
about doing my spinal tap
the blood is sent off for a lot of rna and dna analysis regular lab tests
in one of the studies they are testing things in the blood that
are associated with alzheimers
i think they are testing proteins and inflammatory markers in the blood
and in their preliminary studies it appears thats the test
will predict whether you will get alzhiemers with
yes 90% accuracy
these results have been duplicated all over the world at different
research studies
so this published work yesterday that was on the news
didnt come as a surprise to me
since i knew these studies were ongoing
and already knew that the test was 90% accurate
the problem for me is yes again i dont get to see the results
if one of these tests becomes available at your local doctors office
the question is
do you want it done
are you ready to know the answer
it does have a lot of implications for people
like for those folks who have huntingtons disease
they are both fatal diseases
one your body gives out and your brain stays intact usually
the other your body stays mostly intact your brain gives out
not sure which is worse
once you are diagnosed
insurances like long term disability and life insurance are no longer
luckily now with obamacare you can get health insurance
some jobs may not be available to you
eg airline pilot surgeon president air traffic controller
promotions may not happen
a stigma may get attached to you
i know sometimes i feel people look at me a lot differently since
ive been labelled
that doesnt bother me i just move on and keep talking about my
story and alzheimers disease
if you get tested in the future you mainly need to be able to handle
the diagnosis mentally
are you ready to know you have a fatal disease that for right now
there is no treatment available no cure
a disease that will move quickly or real slow
but commonly at the end it picks up speed in that downward slope
to death
i personally like the researcher interviewed for the news story
want to know
and i am glad i know
i think what it would be like not knowing right now
i eg have this urgency deep inside me that makes me have a drive
to do things and to appreciate things more than
if i didnt know
when i sit and talk with my wife she in the mornings in our nice
comfortable chairs looking over the sunrise me with my coffee
and she with her tea
in our hot tub listening to the birds the owls ahooting
the turkeys agobbling down by the river the roadrunner darting
across the front yard or the deer floating across our pastures
i have this deeper appreciation for the moment
that i might not have if i didnt know
seize the moment is our motto
then theres the preparation for the future thats so necessary for folks
so many put it off
i dont
i have time to slowly get it all in place so when that time comes
its all ready
so many people dont know they have it
it slips up on them and they are not ready
i am and will be ready
then i feel this urge to tell people about alzheimers disease
knowing that my days are limited to how long i will be
able to talk about it
i also have this knowledge about gardening and alzheimers and
being a patient and being a physician thats all mixed together
that will be lost in the future
i need to get the messages out as much as i can while i can
thats why i want to know
i want to know what my status is
do i have it
then if i do i accept it
and move forward with my life knowing what im up against
and you
would you want to know
will you
think about it
the organicgreen doctor
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