thats what i thought last night as i was watching the Olympics
i like the winter olympics a lot
this year i havent watched as much as i have in the past
im not sure
because i like to hear the stories of all the hard work
coming down to the final moment
when in some of these events the blink of the eye
is the difference between winning or losing
i think i dont like to watch them because of all the damn
since i have a dvr
as i watch a show
and fast forward it through the commercials
i realize how many commercials
and how many minutes are taken up by them
then theres the fact that now with the internet
and all the ways we can hear the results
and all those spoiler alerts they warn us about
makes me just want to listen to find out what was spoiled
why cant they do like the world cup and do commercials
only at halftime
or maybe just show the olympics live like they do during the
ncaa tournament when you get to watch any game
on multiple different sites
then you could watch what you want to watch
last night the final straw happened that made me turn
off the tv
its the bode miller interview
i already knew he had won the bronze medal
you know via one of those spoiler alerts i couldnt avoid
i had already heard about the story of his brother who died of
a seizure
he had a severe head injury from an accident
he was an accomplished skateboarder
found dead in his car
then we all knew this would be bodes last olympics
he had failed up to this moment to metal
as i watched
i knew i already knew the results
i kept hoping that maybe just maybe he would win anyway
as he was in the lead
it looked like no one else would overtake his time
they did eventually two of them and one tied him
a blink of the eye it was
he won a medal a bronze
the camera stayed on him for a long time
he wanted to win so bad and at least medal
it meant a lot to him and to the memory of his brother
his beautiful wife was there with him
then in his moment the interviewer came over and started
to ask him questions
about his brother
only three questions
which he had difficulty answering as he began to tear up
she persisted on to the third question
please back off you bitch is what i thought aloud
it seems as most of the internet did also
this is whats wrong with television and reporting now
just leave him alone please
the oganicgreen doctor
I was thinking the same thing. Stupid lady.