some people dont like to use humor to ease themselves
in painful or stressful situations
ive found using humor defuses that anxiety and fear and
not wanting to talk about its that people get when talking
or not talking about alzheimers disease
as you know my mom died with alzhiemers after a lengthy bout
with the disease
as did my younger brother
his seemed so tragic since he was so young and robust when he
was stricken with that disease alzhiemers
my father who died of a heart attack probably had the disease
when i look at what his symptoms were
knowing what i know now about how the disease progresses

we used humor a lot with my mom during her disease progression
in fact the picture i posted two days ago of her when i wrote my
blog on meals on wheels
was one of those days when we used humor with her
she seemed to really enjoy that day
as we dressed her in those sun glasses and that hat which i think
was one of my donald duck hats
she laughed so much and smiled so much that day
so using humor made her feel better and made us feel better
in dealing with having to visit her in the nursing home not
knowing what we would be up against that day
it laughter and humor made for a better day for all involved
alzheimers is one of those diseases that people dont want to talk about
like cancer use to be
it was kept secret alzheimers if your family had it
my approach and many peoples approach is to be in the open
like ive done with this blog and my talks and my involvement with
the alzheimers associaton
ask me about alzheimers and ill tell you more than you want to know
i do notice people look at you funny at first when you talk about
the disease freely
as i say you know i might have alzheimers disease
im on aricept (donepezil) for the possibility
im in a research study the largest one ever
im waiting for treatment studies that start up soon that
may allow folks like me to be treated in the future so that
we wont progress or for younger folks so they wont get the disease
one problem is that congress has defunded alzheimers research
significantly over the last years
which has remarkedly slowed the research for a treatment and cure
so enters laughter humor and congress
as yesterday the comedian and actor
seth rogen did a presentation a speech to congress on alzheimers disease
using humor to make his points
i laughed and at the same time i cried as he talked
as memories of especially my mom and my younger brother and my
thoughts of what the future has in store for me
was invoked by his speech and humor
he made his point
laughter is the best medicine
contact your congress persons
this is a non political issue
you if you havent been already will be
i can guarantee
affected by this terrible disease
alzheimers disease
thanks seth rogen
the orgnanicgreen doctor :) and :(
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