welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

determine that


each year i list my new years resolutions
since i do a blog and have done so the last 3 years
this is my fourth resolution day
since i blog them they are on the internet for everyone to see
and im surprised my wife she hasnt gone back and said
you resolved last year that you would do this
and you havent
you resolved the year before that you would do the same
you resolved the year before that also
so this year maybe ill resolve again and get it done

so i went to google and found a synonym for resolve
its determine
this year i will determine that ill do these things
seems i have a way out if i used this synonym instead

i can determine not to do it if i want to

so i determined

1  to be happy
so far so good
some melancholy occurs when my annual diagnosis date hits
and when i think of my younger brothers final year
and when i think of my future prospects
but overall im happy and resolve to stay that way

2  to stay as healthy as i can doing all those things that i
need to do to stave off the alzheimers thing
and i might add its the same you should do to stay healthy
shall i list them
be happy control your blood pressure cholesterol diabetes weight
exercise control depression and anxiety eat healthy get restful
sleep stay mentally active dont smoke drink litely
be at peace with yourself and your life

3  exercise regularly
i do this working here at the country n and at habitat
i do need more aerobic exercise
i have a 1 mile path mowed in my pastures i like to walk in
as do our dogs
this one ill determine it

4  volunteer
i will continue to do habitat for humanity work
im doing a landscape job today as a matter of fact
at one of the new houses
ill resolve that one
ill will also do meals on wheels and try to do more to get
people to donate to this cause since the government has
cut so much of their funds
what a great use of our tax money to feed some of these
needy folks
heck we waste so much elsewhere cant we throw some
their way

5  to continue to preach the organic and green gospel to
folks and get as many to do things this way as possible
im determined on this one

6  to continue to talk about alzheimers disease
i will do my walks again this year all four of them
volunteer for the alzheimers association
i also will continue to talk to anyone who will listen
about alzheimers disease
i have at least two or more talks scheduled this winter spring
i also plan to enter a treatment study hopefully not as a control
this year receiving treatment i hope that will slow things down

7  and i noticed each year one of the last things i list is to
lose 5 lbs well now i think its 10 lbs
amazing what rupturing a disk will do to your activity level
and consequently do to you weight
this year ill determine it

8  i looked at the list from previous years of the projects i
want to finish here at the country n and it looks like i havent
done any of them yet
i did start some of them and have them halfway done
i dont want to run out of things to do that why
ill resolve this one

9   maybe travel more
since my ruptured disk this has been more uncomfortable
to do but its getting better
ill resolve this one

10  then last i want to keep my wife she happy
that may be the most  important one
im not sure how happy she was in this picture
or if she was just thinking
i both resolve and determine this one

have a happy and prosperous new year

the organicgreen doctor

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