on facebook i kept getting hit with these numbers
why would i just do 2 things about myself
why 7
why 5
i decided i would break the rules and just write as many
as i pleased
so here they are in random order
i like snakes
i use to catch rattlesnakes in college and keep them overnight inside
my apartment
my roommate historian brother couldnt sleep a wink at night
i had a pet snake and a pet collard lizard
i also like spiders especially zipper spiders and wolf spiders
know i wont hold a tarantula spider
but i do squash scorpions and brown recluse spiders
i have a fear of running off the road into water like a river lake
pond etc and not being able to get out
two of my vehicles have manual window cranks like old school cars
i hate racism and intolerance
i respect all religions
i am well acquainted with an outhouse and all its intricacies
i cant keep up with ink pens even now that im retired
so i buy the cheapest ones i can find
i vote independent
i am liberal on social issues but am a moderate conservative at heart
not the modern conservative
i have been for a national healthcare system since i was in high school
writing my senior paper on the topic
i am a big supporter of obamacare
its not the answer but its a start
heck over half of us are on a government plan anyway
in a year 6 of our 8 siblings will be or have been on a government plan
if you dont have insurance or cant get it nows your chance
i dont own a gun now and it doesnt bother me that others do
but feel we do need some gun control though
dont feel i need one to protect my home
my dogs do that for me
i think marijuana should be legalized
we should be getting the tax revenue off all that pot thats
being sold and marketed
its not going away and the black market is making a killing on it
those kids dont need to be in jail for using and selling it
i was the starting quarterback when i played football
i was the starting forward in basketball
i was the best pitcher in baseball when i played and
had 6 different pitches i threw including a knuckle ball
all taught to me by my historian brother
but i couldnt see the scoreboard or the catcher signal so
i called my own pitches
i was and am severely nearsighted
i flunked college my first try with a grade point average of 0.00
parents dont give on on your kids
in my family of 8 kids we have 2 associate degrees 7 bachelor degrees
5 master degrees 1 phd and 1 md
all paid for by working loans or grants
i love coffee
ok im addicted to it
but only drink 4 cups a day
thats 2 of my cups
i like it strong
i cant sleep at night
i only get 5 hours a night
the aricept (donnepezil) for possibly having early
alzhiemers i take knocks off 2 hours a night
i get those two back by taking a nap in the afternoon
so dont call me between 100-300pm
my younger brother and i signed up for the military
he in the navy and i in the air force
we were both turned down more than once
if we had been accepted into the military
my parents would have had 5 sons in the military
during the viet nam war era
my high school years were spent in significant poverty
so i understand what its like
ive lived in my life on both sides of the poverty line
i understand both
i smoked cigarettes heavily for 6 years and a pipe for 6 years
i still get the urge for a cigarette or cigar
and would enjoy smoking one
but know i cant
i recycle everything i can
im known as a dumpster diver at the habitat builds
dragging out cardboard wood plastic to reuse or recycle
my favorite vehicle is my 1999 f100 thats all dirty and beat up
but still runs good and usually has compost mulch or
gardening soil all organic of course in the bed of the truck
its been know to have things growing back there
i love volunteering
habitat for humanity
meals on wheels
alzheimers association
helping others garden
i love to do organic gardening and to influence
others to do the same
yes lets save our planet
since only we can do it
im an advocate for the alzheimers assoication
ask me about alzheimers and ill tell you more than you want to
i give talks on alzheimers disease using my story with possibly
having the disease as a vehicle to talk about it
i met my wife she in college where she was a student in
my chemistry lab-she got an a ;)
we also worked together at a local hospital
this is how i worked my way through college as an
emergency room technician
i wanted to be a family doctor since i was in middle school
and never wavered in that goal despite taking a lot of wrong
turns along the way
although i did have my doubts when i was working on that
chicken processing line and kept hearing those banjos
i started working in hospital when i was a sophomore in high school
between high school and medical school i worked as
an orderly in a hospital
a bag inspector in a paper bag factory
on a road bridge crew
an emergency room technician
doing phone political surveys
working in a chicken processing plant-my worse job ever
felt like i was surrounded by deliverance people
worked in a tool factory making sears craftmans wrenches
worked as a lab assistant in medical labs
worked as a lab assistant in a university lab
worked for 30 years as a family doctor which i
enjoyed every well most every day of it
i have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and control
them with yes diet and exercise and medication generic of course
i unlike many people know what i will probably die from
im ready i think
im extracting all i can from the lucid time i have left
doing what i like to do
gardening organic of course
alzheimer advocating
generally enjoying life
so those are thing you may not know about me
with no limitations
but now you do
the organicgreen doctor
Good stuff. Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us in! Good to know you! ;-)