if you like we have put in a rainwater collection system
most us become the water man
some who have someone else put it in then have them come back
and fix any problems that occur
yesterday i bragged
well thats what my wife she told me
about collecting rainwater
she said you shouldnt have said anything
we noticed that when showering the pressure of the water was slowed
well it just about dripped up stairs
i knew from past experiences that that was a problem
that would take money and effort to fix
i was correct
had to replace the well pump to my whole system
now i could have called a well man to come do it for me but
ive done enough of this stuff that i know how to do it
i spent all day looking for parts then finally gave up and
well i bought the pump i should have bought in the first place
and i wouldnt be in this situation now
no water at home
its like when there is a waterline break in town and they shut
off the water
we have plenty of water about 20,000 gallons
it just will not pump itself to the house
its bottled water and cold outside showers with water from the tanks
kinda like camping out at home
i hope today to round up all my pipe fittings and get it hooked up
or my wife she may not come home tonight
i thought she was a country girl
besides dealing with breakdowns like this you have to keep the filters
changed and the system properly sterilized
change prepump filters and keep the gutters clean and
generally keep an eye out for trouble
when things go wrong you go in the bathroom and look in
the mirror
theres your water man call him
its time if you want to plant a fall garden here
get your beds ready
and plant them
be sure and add compost first
this is the best time to garden here in central texas
this week i will help do two school gardens and put in that
auctioned square foot garden for the highest bidder and
then plant my own fall winter garden
heres what will be planted this week
swiss chard kale spinach lettuce beets carrots sugar snap peas
broccoli asian greens garlic arugula strawberries cilantro
there are about 30 things that grow well around here in the fall
later in january we will plant onions and potatoes
this is the time to plant wildflowers
the best place to order them is www.seedsource.com the website
for the native american seed company
this is also the time to put down corn gluten to stop those
late winter and early spring weeds from sprouting
reapply again in february
it also provides some nitrogen to the soil
dont put it where you plant seeds eg like grass seed
since it will prevent them from growing
the organicgreen doctor
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