its the most shameful chapter i have seen in the years ive spent
in congress
no it wasnt harry reid
it was john mccain
i think most of us would agree with him
to the brink they took us for no real reason
it cost us 15+billions of dollars
it cost them the politicians a lot
and the republican party probably the most
i say throw all the bums out and let just start all over again
when i was in practice i knew that most people didnt take the meds
i prescribed
heck some didnt even get the prescription filled
that im a patient im really not better than you guys were
well im one of you now
i went into my medicine cabinet and looked and oh my goodness
there is all those half empty pill bottles or should i say
half full
they are not my wife shes either
for my alzheimers meds blood pressure meds cholesterol meds and
my aspirin i dont ever ever miss those
well usually i dont
recently i ran across this new prescription that was being handed out
in new york
its called the fruit and vegetable prescription program
in this program obese and overweight patients are given a prescription
for veggies and fruits and given health bucks which are redeemable at
local farmers markets
the patients come in and get weighed and their body mass index
is measured
and they are given nutritional counseling
the results have been good
one family has seen a 40 lb weight loss in their son and other kids have
lost weight also
its interesting eg when i helped plant those gardens at the school
that the kids ate samples of kale spinach cilantro swiss chard etc things
many had never had before
they plant it and theyll eat it
one of the problems the poor have sometimes is the lack of good
access to fresh fruits and vegetables especially in the inner cities
maybe more doctors should write these prescriptions for their patients
and as i know more about alzheimers hypertension diabetes
high cholesterol heart disease etc
these are as important as the prescription meds
rx fresh fruits and vegetables-organic if available
# 1 month supply
sig take once or twice a day until the prescription is all gone
refills unlimited
the organicgreen doctor
Kudos!! Everyone should get this prescription!!!