thats what i call it
football pleasure
being able to sit on my lounging comfortable couch
those who have been to the country n know what im
talking about
it holds at least three and maybe four full grown adults
completely lounged out
after big meals like on thanksgiving and christmas a
location to enjoy the games and a long afternoon nap
heck one of my brothers comes to visit just so he
can take over his spot for that afternoon snooze
this weekend on friday and saturday
i helped a local school put in their school garden using
concrete blocks to form the beds
it took a lot of work to set the blocks and get them
in place
heres one of my blocked out beds i worked on
well i worked on five of them
another row of bricks will be placed then
in layers in the bed
cardboard newspapers leaves grass clippings etc
will be added
then the rest will be filled with ladybug brand
hill country soil
then they will be ready to plant
after working doing this all weekend i was able to have my
football pleasure
saturday night football
sunday pregame and sunday all day football
of course the horns game was delayed and they changed
later to a channel i was not signed up for so i only saw
half the game
ok i fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later to find out
about the game delay
still it was football pleasure with that nap
then on sunday
setting up in my brothers spot
with my sunday newspaper
my note pad for landscaping
my blog schedule
my unread magazines
as i watch the games if it gets boring i start reading the paper
or doing paperwork
or doing a landscape plan which i have 3 im working on now
mix in with that some napping
and thanks to dvr
i never miss any of the game action now
thats what football pleasure day is like
usually a non productive day
we need these occasionally
like once a week
of course it was ruined somewhat by the last second
loss by the cowboys
that dez bryant what a talent he is
someone needs to slap him upside the head with his
helmet off
or kick him in the rear end
or send him to therapy
or maybe timeout
jason witten would be im sorry the last person in the world
i would get in their face and yell at
dear dez
jason whiiten on tv looks much bigger than you
he is tough as nails
heck he even played with a ruptured spleen
if i were you i would apologize to him
ok while you are at it apologize to the whole team
and to us too
my wife she lets me do this like on this weekend
because she was gone to the book festival all weekend
i cleaned the house well all week
i kept all dishes washed all week
i washed all the clothes all week
i cooked most of the meals
i do a lot of inside and outside honey dos like mowing
weed eating planting brush clearing wood cutting etc
so i do my chores and try to keep her happy all week
so i can have my football pleasure day
wait isnt that what some housewives do every week every month
for years
and they dont get football pleasure days
i never said life was fair did i
its the y gene thing
the organicgreen doctor
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