this is why i do it
those walks to end alzheimers
every 69 seconds someone is diagnosed with alzheimers disease
1 out of every 3 persons over 65 will develop alzheimers disease
if they live long enough
if we find a cure for alzheimers disease it will save the us economy
trillions of dollars
there are 6 million people in the us with alzheimers disease
i know many of you have been personally affected by this terrible
fatal disease
my mother died in the final stages of alzheimers disease
my dad died of a heart attack but looking back he probably had
moderate alzheimers disease when he died
my younger brother just ended his battle with alzheimers disease
last month
i have early mild cognitive impairment amnestic type that probably
is due to alzheimers disease
because of this strong family history of alzheimers disease and
because of my personal history of possibly having this disease
i have become a strong supporter of the alzheimers association
the alzheimers association is the third largest supporter of research
on alzheimers disease in the world behind china and the
national institute of health
the alzheimers assoication provides a lot of educational support for
caregivers patients families and health care providers
the alzheimers association is responsible for a lot of the legislative
reforms that have been passed on alzheimers disease
the alzheimers association gets almost all of its funding from donations
most of these donations come from the walks to end alzheimers
this is why
i walk to raise funds so that this work can continue
and we can find a treatment for this fatal terrible disease
this alzheimers disease
tomorrow i will be walking with friends former coworkers and family
at san gabriel park in georgetown texas
registration starts at 800am the walk will commence at 900am
so donate and or join my team organicgreendoctor and come walk
with us
remember for these walks you dont have to donate but its appreciated
you can just show up that morning to walk
remember this walk happens rain or shine
the backup site is the nearby recreational gym thats along the
san gabriel path we will be walking
see you there
for those who donated and or joined my younger brothers team #joe nash
it has now officially been moved to the little rock arkansas walk
come join us and walk that day november 16 in little rock as we walk
in his memory
you can also donate or join your local walks in your area
go to to find a time and locale
the organicgreen doctor
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