today at 1000 am i will be doing a presentation
on my story with possible alzheimers disease
at the sun city cowan amenity center andice room
1433 cool spring way
georgetown texas
rsvp deanna at
there are a few seats left
this saturday
the walk to end alzheimers for williamson county will start at
900 am at the san gabriel park in georgetown texas
sign up starts at 800 am
click here to donate and or join my team organicgreendoctor
you can walk for no charge and sign up the day of the walk
bet hes tired up there talking and talking and talking
is that like that seinfeld show
about nothing
what the heck do you talk about that long
especially on the senate floor
where we are suppose to get things done for our country
and maybe try not to shut the country down
maybe he should get a bible and start reading it out loud
real slow
go to the koran and read it
go ahead and read one of the encyclopedias
between the three books well all learn something good
especially congress
thats something that rarely comes out congress
good things
hes going to lose
this senator cruz
ill admire him for his tenacity
but not his stupidity
the obamacare comes online october 1st
since i get up early in morning i plan to hit the websites for
texas and california
here in texas it seems despite ricks hard work to shut it down
the rates for texas will be some of the cheapest rates of all the states
and i read this morning there will be 47 choices of plans
texas has one of the largest uninsured numbers in the us
and since rick isnt taking any federal money for medicaid
many will be left out in this deal
those who need it the most
i will be checking the rates and insurance for a 20 year old part time
working college student who is uninsured and is self supporting
his rates are looking real good
probably will be about $50
i will be checking the california exchanges for my 30ish single son who
is self employed
he has his own policy right now but it is grandfathered in and doesnt have
some of the protections the new plans have
i will be checking the texas exhanges for the organicgreen doctor
its borderline whether ill qualify for the exchanges since im covered
under my wifes plan at some great expense-$1000+ a month
i should be able to get a cheaper policy with much better coverage
trader joes decided to quit buying insurance for its part time employees
it will give them $500 a month to buy their own on the exchanges
it appears that they are the better for it since they will be able to
buy a better policy at a better price
i thought about my family and was it affected by the new obamacare
affordable care act
older son no
younger son yes will get better priced policy with better coverage
wife no
brothers sisters brotherinlaws sisterinlaws although i dont know their
specifics they are either on medicare or on retirement health insurance
or on their employees insurance
so no for them too
thats the case is that most americans are not going to be affected by
the new law when it comes online on janurary 1
one thing that is going to happen
insurance will probably move from the employer based system to
one where we buy our own on the exchanges
note there are also private exchanges becoming available to compete
with the new government exchanges
many retirees premedicare will buy insurance on either the government
or the private exchanges
medicine will change a lot
the rate of increase in the cost of care is dropping and will continue
to drop
the day when doctors and hospitals make a lot of money may be
over unless they figure out how to exist in this new medical environment
the fee for service system will probably mostly go away
the system will pay on results
medicare will never be changed significantly as long as the older folks
are in the majority
thats not going to change anytime soon
prediction we will all one day be on the exchanges except for medicare
medicaid military va and oh yeah congress
ted ted wake up are you still there
ted ted
harry will be here in awhile and take over then
you can sleep
man you look real tired
the organicgreen doctor
I really appreciate your efforts and trust your input on Obamacare. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.
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