many of you who read this blog know that i am a study
subject in three separate alzheimers research studies at
the ut southwestern medical center alzheimers research center
one of the studies is the alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative
the largest most important study ever been done on alzheimers
all of the tests i have done in this study are now available to
everyone if they know how to get them done
they also have done a complete human genome study of me
so that the answer to what is all in my genes is out there
somewhere i just cant access it
another of the studies i am in is one where they are measuring
proteins and inflammatory markers so that as of now the test
is close to 90% accurate in telling someone if they have
alzheimers disease or not
so if i could obtain all the results from these studies which i cant
since i had to agree to not being able to access the results
i would know to a great degree of certainty whether i have
alzheimers disease or not
again i feel that i have it
so now we are close to being able to definitely diagnose
someone with alzheimers disease or to tell them that their
symptoms are not alzheimers disease
we now need treatments for the disease
thats where more research is needed
there are a lot of treatment trials going on now that may be
promising using anticancer drugs and alzhiemers vaccines
i hope to become involved in one of those soon
so your donations and support for the alzheimers association is
important since they are the third largest supporter of research
in the world behind china then nih national institute of health
im doing my part and you can help me on september 4th 2013
by coming and participating in my team the organicgreendoctor
for the williamson county walk to end alzheimers
silent auction at the reunion grille in cedar park from 530-700pm
100% of the monies go to the alzheimers association
10% of the dinner bill will be donated to the alzheimers association
come join us for dining music and silent auction that night
here is one of our items-the memory lane quilt

when i became a study subject for the alzheimers research study
i was given a quilt that was donated by a quilter to the research
study for thanks for participating
the quilter is from southern california
this quilt that was made for our silent auction was made by
a fellow classmate and friend of mine who is a plastic surgeon
who does quilting for a hobby
you can just imagine the quality of workmanship that went into
this quilt
weve had several quilters look at this quilt and thats one thing they
all have remarked on
is the quality of workmanship
she has quilted before for quilts to be auctioned for alzheimers research
here are links to her blog sutured for a living where she describes the
process of making the quilt and describes the quilt in detail
we look forward to seeing you that night
help us to support the fight against this terrible disease
next week item 2 the square foot garden for auction
the oganicgreen doctor
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