Wednesday, July 3, 2013

fourth, followup


i want to wish everyone a happy fourth of july
the day we celebrate the declaration of independence
it was passed on the 2nd of july but the official signing was
on the 4th of july

we in america have been celebrating the 4th the same since
fireworks picnics speeches get togethers
even the american troops that day got an extra ration of rum
now that would probably be beer

lets all take a pause
maybe try reading the declaration of independence
think about this document and the constitution and how
its stood the passage of time
those writers of those documents did good

thankful for a democratic and free country
thankful for those who have served to protect us all
thankful for the chance to get together with family and friends
to celebrate the fourth of july and
think of what it really stands for

oh that old ruptured disc is really a pain in the
or should i say leg

im still having sciatica leg pain that is being helped with
medication and physical therapy
hoping it will resolve soon on its on

ive learned to appreciate what people have to go through
who have chronic pain
wouldnt want this to be a long term thing

ive also learned to appreciate how active i was
when i look at what i cant do right now
i look forward to getting this all resolved so i can return
back to that level of activity

ive learned though and have been observing more at how
we all seem to abuse our backs on a regular basis
through my therapy im getting instructions on proper techniques
on how to bend lift twist stand sit lay down etc

just ask my wife she
shes learning them also even though she probably doesnt
appreciate it
i told her i dont want to have to take care of you when this
happens to you

dont let it happen to you

have a good fourth of july

the organicgreen doctor

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