thanks to those guys and gals at the fda for plans to
approve new treatments for alzheimers treatment
previously researchers had to prove patients would improve
with the new treatment to think and remember and to show
improvement in their day to day activities
eg aricept (donepezil) does this but doesnt do it for very long
and does nothing to alter the course of the disease
so finding treatments that the fda would let them test was like
only approving drugs that might work on obviously terminal
cancer patients
the success rate would be low if at all and few companies or
researchers would be interested in investing their time and
energy into developing a drug that probably wouldnt work anyway
alzheimers disease according to the beta amyloid theory really starts
20+ years before the symptoms start
when that beta amyloid accumulation occurs and when its associated
tau protein destruction cell inflammation tangles and plaques start
thats when the time to attack the disease
when it starts
eg in my mothers case it would have been when she was in her late 40s
and early 50s
in my younger brother probably in his early 40s
in me if i do have alzheimers disease it would have been in my
late 40s when i was in the prime of my career
so now drugs companies will be able to develop these new
treatments to attack the disease before it gains its foothold
previously researchers were impeded by the old fda regulations and
feel that new research will now go forward to possibly provide
treatment early to slow or prevent this awful disease
two studies are starting this spring
one is on a groups of colombians who are
genetically programmed to get the disease in their early 40s but who
have no symptoms yet
time will tell if using the alzheimers vaccine in this group will
slow down or prevent alzheimers disease
the other study will be using the old anti skin cancer drug
bexarotene which worked in the alzheimers worms and the alzheimers
rats such that the disease did not develop
it will be used in patients early on in the disease process
maybe this new fda change will help speed up the pipeline for new
treatments and ways to prevent the disease
there is some hope for future generations
the organicgreen doctor
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