this infograph is the best and simplest explanation of what the
mediterranean diet is
two of the diseases listed on the menu that may be helped by this diet
i carry a genetic predisposition to getting
cardiovascular disease-stroke and heart attack with my awful cholesterol
and triglycerides now controlled with this diet and medications
alzheimers-what if someone like your kids stayed on this diet for a lifetime
-warning they will have to plan for a lengthy retirement-
they may not get alzheimers or will get it at a much later time in life and
it may not be as severe
(the gene i have the apoe 4 gene thats associated with an increased
incidence of alzheimers is also on the same area where the gene
for abnormal cholesterol is located)
so for me there are these two good reasons to eat this way
chance are if i werent eating this way for the last several years then i
might have already had a heart attack like my dad and my brother or
i might be more advanced with alzheimers like my other brother
so diet can make a difference in these diseases
recently it was noted that the overall cancer rate has gone down but
certain cancers like kidney and colon rates have gone up
its thought to be due to our poor diets and our obesity
so take a moment and look at this simple infograph of the
mediterranean diet
it could save yours and your kids lives
the organicgreen doctor
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