yesterday was veterans day
a day to remember those who have served in the military
especially those who lost their lives
these guys and gals are the ones that served to protect us
including protecting our right to vote last week
am thankful for the safe return of my nephew from his tour in
thankful for another nephew who served in the navy
thankful to my three brothers who served in the military
and retired after 20 years service
my rainwater brother my historian brother and my
older brother
thankful to my moms brother who served in the military
during world war 2
he was wounded while in the pacific war
thanks to my historian brother for reminding our family
members about our connection to this veterans day
my wife she and i go to lost maples state park
in the hill country just southwest of san antonio every year
if we catch the leaves just right
if the cold has hit some and
if the weather is just right
then the leaves on those maples can be as beautiful as
those you see in maine and vermont
see they are the same trees those maples
they got lost in this canyon in the hill country
thus the name lost maples
we always meet my two brothers and their wives there
and have 3 days together
my wife and i usually hike the first day
this year we did a hike up the western side for 5-6 miles
its interesting to see the difference in the vegetation and leaves
each year and
to see how the terrain has changed
this year the leaves were much greener and since we have
not had a lot of cold weather yet there was not much of the
beautiful leaf changes that you usually see
if you are a newcomer to lost maples go to the maple trail
at the start of the east trail
its only about an half mile walk
then go to the west trail and walk to the ponds
you can usually see a good variety of leaf changes on these
two walks
for those who are ergonomically challenged these are the best
trails to walk
im a big cowboy fan
its been a rough 15 years
we have romo gumbo
if youve eaten gumbo you know they have a little of everything
in there
it can be too hot and spicey or it can be too greasy or it can
be too gooey or sometimes it just seems to be just right
thats the way romo and the cowboys were last night
just right
despite how bad theyve played this year they still have a
chance to make it to the playoffs
hope the cowboy cook saved the recipe from last nights game
shout out to those aggies
great game with the bama guys
guess im glad yur in the sec now
good job longhorns of honoring darrell k royal this weekend
with that first wishbone play
am sure dkr would have liked that
good game horns
the hogs well there is always next year with yur new coach
the organicgreen doctor
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