Monday, September 24, 2012


Walk to End Alzheimers
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the equalizer thats what football is
it doesnt matter what your political leanings are
what race you are 
what sex you are 
what sexual orientation you are 
what wealth you have
what job you have
what degree of education you have
what your age is

football doesnt care about all that stuff
everyone is treated the same 
youre a fan they like you

think thats why i like football so much as does
as lot of americans
(other countries the same could be said for futbol)

you can lose yourself into your football team and 
forget about the world around you 
at least for awhile

maybe thats why we are all so football crazy
no economy worries
no war worries
no job worries
no family or friend conflict worries
no political worries

we all come together as one 
football fans

im a cowboy longhorn razorback fan 
they all three can never get on the same page as to 
i guess its like a diversified investment 
a little bond a little stock a little cash a little real estate
a little gold a little international 

i have nfl and big 12 and sec in my football portfolio
so far this year i think i need to be more diversified

the boys they are on a roller coaster ride
going to the superbowl
not going to make the playoffs
maybe going to the playoffs
each week brings a different feel

the horns have won three but they havent been
tested yet but they will be sooner than later
thats sooners 
well know this next three weeks if theyre good this year

then theres the hogs
what can i say 
they just look bad
theres a good team there
just too much turmoil
a womanizing coach now gone replaced by a one year
debt ridden coach whose team is losing badly 
he needs to be fired now replace him with the old coaches
brother who might have better character
then find that top notch coach for next year

their year would make a good hbo show instead of 
calling it hard knocks it could be called knocked up

yep football is the ole equalizer
it brings us all down to earth 
i was there last year with the cowboys then there two and 
three years ago with the horns now this year with the hogs

ive had enough equalizing for now
but it sure makes me forget about what else is going on 
in the world for awhile

the organicgreen doctor

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