Tuesday, March 6, 2012

bluebonnets, snakessssssss

as preditcted the bluebonnets will be good this year
especially as we have more rain coming this spring
here is a picture of a area of bare ground that bluebonnets
took root in

here is the same area 3 months later

this use to be a 3 foot circle of bare ground that the bluebonnets
have taken over and covered the bare area
this is how they work in nature to stabillize the bare areas to
keep them from erosion

here is part of my front yard that is mostly all bluebonnets
with some clover mixed it

this is how nature does grasslands
a lot of this was bare because of the drought

should be a beautiful showing this year

this is our first bluebonnet here at the country n

we hope to have thousands more
this is the year of the bluebonnet
be ready to tour the hill country this spring
as it could be awhile before they are this good

interesting that this bluebonnet planted itself in my crushed
granite driveway-the worst soil on my property
now have to drive around it so it can continue to grow

ok my best medical school friends wife
if you are reading my blog you need to stop now
i know how much you are scared of snakes and snake stories

do you still have that realistic rubber snake we gave you for christmas
that year that came in its own aquarium and was wrapped
so pretty

i have written several blogs about snakes
they all seem to involve my wife she
some of the snake events i dont dare let her know about
she would not live here anymore if she only knew

once she was in our hot tub on our deck

she was sitting in the tub looking out towards the river just
enjoying herself in the mid day while i was working in the
yard to her left
see that rain water tank next to the hot tub

(thats our movie star tank that was in a movie made
in austin
it was painted to look like a corroded industrial tank
we managed to buy it after the movie was made and left
it as it is)

as i was working and she was chilling out i looked up and there
on the top of that rain water tank was a big ole chicken or rat
snake just coiled up looking down at my wife she in that tub

i kept my moouth shut and went on working in the yard
she never knew until i did my blog on this uneventful event

it would have been fun to watch though if they snake would
have fallen into that hot tub

talkin about streakin
that would have been some streakin to watch and of course to
listen to
she might have just had a heart attack there in the hot tub

recently in the blog world i made contact with a new blogger
she has only written two blogs
she is a photographer who is deathly afraid of snakes
like my medical school best friends wife (are you still reading this)
and like my wife she

her best friend has pet snakes
and wanted to have her photograph the snakes
so she did

she must be a brave lady
heres the blog littledeerphotography.blogspot.com
telling what happened that day

sure would like my medical friends wife and my wife she to
get a picture like the last one in her blog

the organicgreen doctor

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