welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, September 16, 2011

wtea t-28, one a day, senior moment


the walk to end alzheimers in austin is saturday
october 15, 2011 at 800 am
we still need donations and team members for our team the
click here to donate and or join the team
no donation is too small
donate or participate in your local walk
click www.alz.org to find it

well it looks like one a day may help keep the azheimers
at least by 25%

a recent study showed that one to two drinks a day decrease
azlheimers or other dementia by 25 %
the type of alcohol-beer wine etc-didnt seem to matter
i use red wine because of the benefit on raising hdl cholesterol
(which also helps decrease alzheimers incidence)

for women it was only one a day
sorry gals must be that estrogen

however 3-5 drinks a day seem to have the opposite effect

so one a day like the vitamin

here is a senior moment 
a video of two seniors setting up their webcam
been there done that
recently set up my videocam to do a skype  talk with
a group in lousiana on alzheimers
hadnt done it before so had some video of me recorded
trying to figure it all out
wasnt this funny though
they are an internet sensation now

the orgnanicgreen doctor

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