did my 8 hour exam yesterday to satisfy the disablility insurance
people even though i had a good evaluation done by a reputible
institution (university of texas medical center memory clinic and
alzheimers research center) which included even more work up
than most people would have been able to get
wasnt enough for them though so they just wanted to torture
me a little more
all if have to say is the exam sucked
especially on the parts i consistently have problems with
i already know what they are and its frustrating to take them
because you know youll not do well on them
the short term memory problems i have are pretty consistent through
all the tests i have done
i think the aricept may have helped some but it did not help 100%
also realize that the aricept is short lived in it effectiveness
(usually some one with mild cognitive impairment amnestic with the
apoe 4/apoe4 alzheimers genotype may have about 3 years of
good benefit before it starts to decline)
these short term memory tests that i have problems with are like
if you walk into a school exam totally unprepared and the material
you totally dont understand and you totally bomb the exam
thats what its like
you have to take several just like that
its why i call this the torture test
give me the spinal tap any time
i also did a mmpi tests where you answer over 500 questions
do you hate your mother
do you play with doll
do you hear voices
it is a test for abnormal personality traits
the answer to all of the above questions is no except #2
as i did have 3 sisters so i did play with dolls some
think i probably came out ok on the mmpi test
overall i still noticed i had problems with short term memory that
has persisted over the last 8 months
some of the tests that were done were chosen to check out what i
had noticed as a problem
do realize i have lost a significant part of my math skills
much more than i thought
this may have been the most disturbing portion of the whole
8 hours of exams
now i am on my wife shes level when it comes to math
i now get a months break from all this stuff until mid september
when my wife she and i go up to the alzheimers research center to
do a demonstration video how how to do a mental status evaluation
it will be used for medical school and residency educational purposes
it probably should be shown to most primary care providers also
the funding for this project comes from donations from people
like you to the alzheimers research center
dont forget the walk to end alzhiemers at where you live or to the
walk to end alzhiemers that my team is doing in austin on saturday
october 15, 2011
you can make a general donation, donate to a particular team,
and or join one of the teams
every one is welcome to join my team and donations are appreciated
people have donated $5.00 up to $500
some kids are even donating their piggy banks and money they
have raised for the walk
$100 donation and joining the team gets you a walk to end
alzheimers t shirt
my team site organicgreendoctor.com can be found at this link
or go to www.alz.org and click on the walk to end alzhiemers logo
cant do it without your help
dang it tropical storm 8 is going west into southern mexico
there are two more storms abrewing out east and seem to be
headed our way a little more favourably
we just want one of them to head this way and dump some
rain on us so i can fill up the holes in my pastures and
fill up my rainwater tanks
more uses for duct tape
use to wrap your ankles before sports if needed for support
use it on your finger nails instead of finger nail polish especially if
you want black nails (gothic look)
use it to remove finger nail polish
and this may be the best use ever
have a good weekend
the organicgreen doctor
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