Wednesday, April 27, 2011

unbelievable, tests, bb


if you are a female, have a daughter, have a granddaughter, have a
sister or have a female relative that has had to compete against
male sports for their place then you will like this short video clip

this is an old gatorade commercial
even though it is not for real just pretend it is
and feel the feelings you get when you watch it
take that
women can compete

thanks wanda

neuropsych tests am getting good at doing these things
now i know the questions before they are asked and
can answer them much better now

dont know if its the aricept or if its the repetition of the tests

does affect their validity some

did the 2 hr neuropsych tests for the video teleconference study
they are comparing doing the tests one on one vs doing them
via videoconference
they are providing these neuropsychology test to remote
clinics in a foreign country-oklahoma

i preferred the one on one instead of the videoconference
the results are more valid
but may be a good substitute for remote clinics

really need a computer based program to do these test
so they can be done in a doctors office and immediately
assessed for the doctor to use right then while the
patient is in the office

maybe i can develop one
just need a good screening one to see if there is a problem
then more advance testing can be done

then had my mri for the adni-2 study
its like laying on the sidewalk still for 30 minutes while someone
runs a concrete blasting machine next to you
couldnt even take a nap while it was being done

like the other test i am having for this study i will never know the

next fdg-pet scan and a more elaborate lengthy neuropsych test
may have to have a glass of wine after this one
then a week later will have the spinal tap and the amyloid
pet scan
prefer the spinal tap over the neuropsych test-its like a bad
dream where you cant ever finish what you are doing or get
to where you are going

if it all helps its worth it

good job mavs end iit in dallas
you too magic if you want to keep dwight you need to win
ok thunder just dont give westbrook the ball and maybe
youll win this time
kobe kobe good dunks
think theyll win now
bulls win rose can rest his ankle
could be the end of the spurs as we know them
heat get a big lead so you dont have to take a last shot
to win

then that nfl mess
are they going to mess up a good thing like the nhl
and mlb did
starting to get a little naueated when i hear about all this

the organicgreen doctor


  1. What a great thing you are doing for alzheimers research. I hope it helps with the research too. Hope you are doing well! As for me I still have faith in the spurs. Im a big spurs fan and am going to the game tonight with my dad. I hope they win this one !!! all I can say is GO SPURS GO.

  2. ms
    you picked a good game to watch huh
