Friday, February 4, 2011

memory song, its snowing, im ok, w3ad10


sometimes it helps
to use humor to deal
with problems
this is what this song does for
early dementia
or just senior moments
or just being forgetful

we have an inch here
nice white fluffy stuff
maybe can make a small snowman
know can make a snowball and hit my wife she with it

the dogs love the snow
the cats and chickens dont

the good thing about snow around here is that it comes
you enjoy it for the day then its gone
it doesnt stay around to annoy you
then the weather gets warm and sunny

we do enjoy our mild winters here

some people are worried im down and sad about my diagnosis
im not
im busy
i hit a bump in the road of life got turned a new direction and then
have moved on
i do miss practicing medicine but now its time for me to move on
retirement was going to happen in 2-5 years anyway

luckily i prepared myself well for retirement
i am doing things that i like to do like gardening, exercising, hiking,
and am doing long delayed projects here at the country n (have a
life time of those to do here)

my wife she and i are planning to travel and see things and places
we have put off seeing, visiting friends and relatives more often,
and are actually enjoying our new life (especially my wife she-she
has her own private house keeper and cook now)

if you see me youll notice im tanner, have some intentional weight
loss, am happy and content, dont get angry, am busy, and will
engage you in a talk about alzhiemers if youll listen

i dont have cancer, i havent had a stroke, i dont have heart disease,
i dont have artery disease, i dont have high blood pressure, i dont
have huntingtons disease, i dont have lung disease, i dont have
kidney disease, i dont have als, i dont have mda, i dont have
ulcerative colitis or crohns disease or other diseases

when my disease is full blown i want know it but people with
these diseases do

i am healthy otherwise and have a normal day to day life and am
enjoying each day now maybe more than in the past

im ok

week three aricept (donepezil) 10 mgm

finally the side effects are leaving
am not having to take meds to compensate for the side effects
no more morning sickness-sorry ladies yall have to suffer this with
your pregnancy
no more dizziness
still having sleep issues-only get 5-6 hours a night but compensate
by doing a noon time nap (have always done that in the past before
starting these meds )
still with those dreams
dont want those to go away
wish i could dvr them and rewatch some of them

now am looking forward to super bowl weekend

tristan good luck today with your surgery

the organicgreen doctor


  1. Hey, if you get to where you are bored doing chores around your house you are more than welcome to come over to mine. I tore up 1/2 of the front flower beds and will need to put something there... Do you want some of those air potatoe vines? let me know.
    miss you

  2. I love the memory song. Doug would think it was written for me. Awesome news about the side affects. Also glad to see you live life to its fullest. Cheers to ya!

  3. I'm glad you're o.k. You still have many blessings to count.

  4. Dr Nash Im so glad you are doing Good. We pray for you and your family daily. we are so lucky to have gotten to know you over these years and we truely valued your opinion and friendship. I could have not gotten through Jennifers diagnosis with out all your support and help. You helped me more than you know. Thanks again :)
