Thursday, September 16, 2010

recycle yourself, alpha dog 4

saw this on a bumper sticker-recycle yourself donate your organs

spent long time with a patient whose spouse was killed
he talked of donating her organs

her corneas went to someone who could not see well
her heart went to someone who needed it maybe someone her age
with children
her heart valve if heart wasnt used could be used for valve replacement
maybe on a teenager
her lungs could be used for someone with poor lungs usually they are
a young person
her liver for some mom or dad with liver failure
her intestines for someone with nonworking intestines
her hands for someone who lost a hand in accident
her long bones for some one whose fracture wont heal or someone
who has fought bone cancer but needs bone to replace that
that was destroyed
her skin for some seriously burned person maybe a child or teenager

look at how many lifes could be helped with organ donation

that person needing donation could end up being your relative or
even you

have given instructions that all my organs be donated if possible
when death occurs

when hurricane hermine came through here the dog alpha could care
less if he hit the electric fence
he would go into a storm daze
he went right through the electric fence
now he is ahead 4-0

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