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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #216-i was ready
my story revisited #216-i was ready
well i got my christmas wish that year
the following year i got accepted in the biogen aduhelm study where i got 18 placebo infusions followed by 34 of the real drug aduhelm infusions
my initial amyloid pet scan was positive like that one in the old blog
my final amyloid pet scan after all my infusions was negative like the negative one below
the bad thing about getting that christmas wish was that meant that i definitely had alzheimers
that year as mentioned in my blog below i reviewed the 5 years of memory tests with my neurologist which showed that my memory tests had returned back to normal
they have remained there since
when i was diagnosed in 2010 i felt a sense of doom
getting sympathy from friends and family
sadly some of those friends and family have died
something i had not expected
to outlive them intact
we had a nice weekend seeing a friend who has been ill
but seems much better
doing a walk to end alzheimers in little rock in front
of the clinton library
on team #joenash
the walk raised $100,000
for research and education
some of the monies from these walks are used in the
study i am in now
i saw the neurologist at the alzheimers research centers
memory care clinic on friday
in reviewing things with her over the last five years
my memory is much improved
maybe even normal based on what i notice
what she sees on my memory tests
i am under no illusion here that its all gone
its there just waiting to rise up and take over
now next month i will have my memory tests updated again
as part of the study im in
as well as
maybe getting a new scan for tau in the brain
quick review
tau is the protein that unravels in the brain in alzheimers
forming tangles and destroying brain cells
in the process
lots of inflammation occurs
the bad beta amyloid accumulates first then the tangles of tau
now that tau can be seen on scans
also ill be doing new memory tests online from home for
the study
but the most exciting is
they are getting new treatment studies there
one in particular that i really want to get in
using one of the new vaccines
in preliminary studies
when given to folks with memory loss
the memory tests improved
as well as
that bad beta amyloid gets removed from the brain
if this study shows it works well
it will become the new treatment for alzheimers
probably before folks have symptoms
before folks have symptoms
i have to have the amyvid pet scan to get in the study
the scan for the bad beta amyloid
if its positive you probably have alzheimers disease
or will get it
so if i get into the study
that means only one thing
my scan is positive
which means
i probably do have alzheimers disease
ill know in january or february
good way to start the new year
so if i get a call
ogd you are accepted in the study
ill be maybe a little sad
that means only one thing
you got it
the big a
it is exciting
since i would if i dont get the placebo
a 50/50 chance
be getting treatment that if it works
will slow this stuff down
if it works
it will be available for public use for
everyone so diagnosed
soon after that
for my wife she and family
guess what i want for christmas
thats right
an amyvid pet scan and intravenous infusions each month
for 18 months
i be ready
i got my amvid pet scans
about 6 of them
i got my tau pet scans
around 3 of them
i got so many mris of the brain i lost count
i got lots of labs
i got lots of memory tests
i got all those 52 infusions
the result
my brain is free of measurable amyloid plaques
so far
will that translate to a slowing of this disease
maybe not
there is research ongoing that may recommend monthly infusions of aduhelms cousin leqembi which is on the market to use
they may recommend monthly infusions or serial infusions to keep the amyloid from reaccumulating
i was ready then
i be ready now
the organicgreen doctor